
Welcome to DialysisAirGap.com, your one-stop Dialysis Air Gap hub, graced with over a decade of experience in the dialysis field. We are here to help you find the best Air Gap for clinics, hospitals, and Home Dialysis.

What is Dialysis?

Dialysis is a medical procedure often recommended for individuals with kidney failure, a situation where the kidneys can no longer filter your blood efficiently. Essentially, dialysis does the job of the kidneys—removing excess waste, salt, and water to help control blood pressure and maintain the right balance of chemicals like potassium and sodium.

What is an Air Gap?

An air gap is a safety measure implemented in various plumbing applications, including dialysis machine drains. It is a physical barrier between the possible contaminant and the dialysis machine. The air gap exists to prevent contamination of the dialysis machine and the subsequent treatment fluid with undesirable substances. The importance of adequate air gaps can’t be understated as they are in line with stringent health and safety standards.

The Role of an Air Gap in Dialysis?

Dialysis machines require the input of water, which passes through a series of filters and undergoes reverse osmosis to remove any impurities or contaminants.

The air gap comes into play where the machine drain connects to a plumbed drain, preventing wastewater back syphoning. The air gap ensures optimal and safe operation of the dialysis machine, keeping patients free from potential harm due to water contamination.